Sunday, January 2, 2011

A General Practictioner, a gynecologist, and an encrinologist walk into a bar...

WARNING:  The most interesting part of this entry is the title.

Honestly, for being only 31 (Which I say through gritted teeth.), I certainly see a lot of doctors.  This is due largely impart (Pun intended.) to my husky stature and partially impart to my gene pool.  In the past some have called me a hypochondriac, which I'm not (Well perhaps a little.), I just like to know what is going on with my body at all times even if this means medically diagnosing myself via or if I am really on a mission, googling it.
I see a general practitioner for check-ups and common colds.  I see my gynecologist to make sure my feminine mound (Ha,  total romance novel term.) and internal female parts are functioning properly (Which apparently they aren't.).  Lastly, I see my endocrinologist for my thyroid, sugar levels, and most recently fertility issues.  My GP referred me to an endocrinologist, my endocrinologist referred me to my gynecologist, then my gynecologist referred me back to my endo. You follow?  Don't worry me neither.  (I think that they like seeing me pay co-pays.)  So here are my latest findings, well not mine seeing as I am a teacher, not a medical professional, despite believing otherwise.
Apparently I have PCOS and have for the past year (Um, thanks for never telling me, former endocrinologist Dr. B.).  If you are not sure what that is, here is the definition according to my good friend WebMD, "It can cause problems with your periods and make it difficult to get pregnant. PCOS may also cause unwanted changes in the way you look. If it is not treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease."  Awesome right...NOT.
The current plan, and doctor recommendation, (Please note that my doctor can be described as looking like an Indian version of Doogie Howser, M.D.) is to start taking 850 mg of Metformin, three times per day.  Pretty much a pill at each meal.  This will aid in norming out my cycles, keeping my sugar low and hopefully making me ovulate.  I am glad though that I am getting all this straightened out now, as opposed to after the wedding.  Hopefully everything will be ready to go come July.  Oh it should be noted that I have to go back to the endocrinologist in June, at that time he will check my A1c, my TSH, my progesterone, my BBT charts, and my ovulation. 
PCOS and Paranoia.

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