Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New's 2011!

Resolutions.  Ugh.  I can't say I have ever kept ANY that I have EVER made.  I mean I try, and typically go strong for a few months, but for some reason they always fade away.  I thought that this year, by putting it out there for my followers (all 14 of you) and for whomever else across the globe comes across this little ditty, perhaps then I will be more faithful.  So here they are, in all their glory, my 2011 New Year's Resolutions.
  1. Walk my dog for 100 minutes per week.  I chose a minute denomination because I think it is just more feasible.  If I feel like doing it all in one day (which by the way would NEVER happen, due to my  shear lack of endurance), then so be it, if I want to walk   14.285714 (that is the actual number) minutes 7 times per week then fine.  More than likely I will probably walk 20-30 minutes a few times per week.  I like this resolution because it will not only make for a healthier, happier Baby Reese, but it will also aid in making me healthier and happier.  
  2. Get healthier.  This is generic I know.  But I don't want to fail at this, therefore I am going to keep it basic.  This will include being more active, whether it means going to the gym or parking further away from a destination.  It will also include making better food choices, lowering my A1c level, losing weight, getting off unnecessary medication, and drinking less alcohol (GASP, not that I am a drunk, but drinking less is going to be a BIG challenge).  
  3. Be MORE intimate with my future hubs (FH).  To be clear there isn't a lack of intimacy between us.  My FH is extremely affectionate and we have no problems in this department.  This particular resolution is partially due to a recent reading of Cosmopolitan and the desire for MORE.  Being 70 pounds heavier, and at my biggest 112 pounds heavier than when we met, I don't always feel sexy.  This is a self-inflicted feeling, my FH does everything in his power to make me feel confident and sexy. Being a big girl intimacy is exhausting, but it is time to suck it up and use it as an opportunity to burn calories, have fun, and get it on.  As we inch closer and closer to our wedding day, I want to make sure we are connected not only emotionally and mentally, but physically too.  I think the aforementioned (See number 1 and 2) resolutions will aid in making this goal possible.  It will also help in the baby making process that we can hopefully start July 23, 2011.  This is probably TMI, but it is a resolution of mine, and is one of many reasons I don't want my beloved family members following this.  Bless their hearts they would have a stroke.  Ha!   
  4. Do something NEW each month.  This can be anything from trying a new food to going to a new place.  It can be done independently (Which is unlikely considering I am always with someone.), with the FH, or with my girlfriends.  I think this will be exciting and will force me to be more adventurous, in addition it will certainly provide fodder to blog about.

2011 and Resolutions.

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