Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An apple a day...

So I went to my much dreaded OBGYN appointment today.  Generally I love the doctor, this is because I think the medical world is fascinating and I like to be certain that there is nothing wrong with me.  I was very apprehensive about my appointment today for several reasons.  The first being I hadn't been to the OBGYN in quite sometime and I hadn't had a pap smear in forever, I know I am a bad girl.  The second reason I was apprehensive was because my new OBGYN was a man, A MAN!  I realize that this isn't monumental to some women, but it was sort of a big deal to me because for nearly the past decade the only man to venture below this belt line has been my future husband (FH), so having a new man, be it my OBGYN or not, was sort of horrifying.  But enough of that, let's get to what went down.

Dr. G. was an intimidating fellow.  He was in his mid-50s and was very serious, and there was nothing warm and fuzzy about this guy.  This made me start to sweat and made me self-conscious.  At this point I was certain I was going to hate him and I wanted to run out of there as fast as I could, but I opted to stay and give him a chance.  So we sat there and chatted for a bit, Dr. G. in his scrubs and me in my make shift robe with a giant napkin over my lap.  I told him that my hopes were to get pregnant soon after getting married.  So we talked about my cycles, pictured right.  He seemed concerned at the length of my cycles, which up to this point I thought seemed longer than usual but considered it no bit deal.  However, with the average length between my cycles being 35 days, Dr. G. asked me to schedule an appointment to have my progesterone level assessed.  So December 8th at 4:30 I have to go in for a blood test to see if I am ovulating, if it comes back positive then great, if it comes back negative then I have to up my dosage of Metformin to "help prepare the grounds" (A direct quote from Dr. G.) and then come see him in August to get on Clomid.  And then with a little smirk said, "which you know increases your chances of having twins or triplets."

So at this point I am sort of unsure how I feel.  I don't know whether to be happy that I left my appointment excited that my new doctor (who I ended up adoring) is being proactive and helping me prepare for the future or scared to death as to whether or not my FH and I will be able to have babies.  I guess that for now I need to focus on losing more weight, and getting off the necessary medications to have a healthy pregnancy.

Normal Cycles and Pap smears.

P.S.  As he did my pap and examined the region he said that things looked and felt normal, same deal with the ta-tas.  Cheers to that. 

P.P.S.  I got a pedicure, no more athletic socks.


  1. This was so hysterical that I had to bend over and clutch my stomach. Dramatic, yes, but I couldn't pull it together. LOVE IT!

  2. Ha! Thanks Amanda! XO. Can't wait to read more of yours.
