My roommates and I liked to have a good time. Party girls, yet classy and responsible, usually; never mind that our drink of choice was Natural Light. Anyways we opted to throw a kegger, of Natural Light of course, and invite our closest friends, (And anyone else who stumbled in.) on that list was my FH. (He brought a wing-man, Bryan, who he still has a bromance with to this day). I don't remember how it all started. I know I drank a little too much because I was nervous, I even remember what I had on, yoke front jeans from the Gap and a pink striped sweater from American Eagle. (Because my I don't want it to ruin my future political career, yeah right, or embarrass my future children I will abstain from all the details.)
Enter our first official date. It was Valentine's Day (Cliche' I know.). Even when I was single Valentine's Day was always, and continues to be one of my favorite holidays. I love the romance, the glitter, the drama of it all. However when you are in the beginning stages of a relationship it can be a little awkward. I remember making my FH heart-shaped sugar cookies, and I had to use the lid of a mini-box of chocolate to cut out the cookies. I iced them, and sprinkled them with sparkle-ly sugars, they were so cute; and not only did my FH LOVE them, but so did his roommate. We went on a double date to Lone Star (As in the restaurant chain that USED to allow you to throw your peanut shells on the ground, kind of country joint, perhaps this was foreshadowing.), and started dating officially there after.

It wasn't until 6 months later that my FH finally said, I love you. I had known it for a LONG time, but there wasn't a chance in hell that I was saying it first. WAY TOO SCARY. I was visiting him at his parents house in Virginia (I was still living in Pennsylvania with my parents.) and we were going fishing (Fishing is completely acceptable, just as long as the fish or worms NEVER touch me.). It was a beautiful day, we were on a boat in the middle of a lake all day, and I thought for sure he would have said I love you then, as it was picturesque. But in true FH fashion he waited, but only until that evening, and it was perfect. There were several football games, cookouts, Nickey's outings (The best bar in Shippensburg, where went went at LEAST every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday once we turned 21.), visits to PA, visits to VA, laughter, tears, dates, road trips and on and on and on.

My FH was my college sweetheart and I was his and I love him more and more each year.
Hugs and Kisses.
OMG you mention Chris and Brian's bromance! Rhonda and I have been a witness to this many times.
ReplyDeleteYes! Well afterall, they are "the two best friends that anyone could have,and they’ll never never ever ever ever leave each other…" P.S. You must become a follower of mine, you would be lucky number 17. XO.
ReplyDeleteI made lucky number 19 and the first blog that I ever followed (I am all about the stealthy stalk of the google reader).
ReplyDeleteJennie, not only were you lucky number 19, you were lucky number 19 on the 19th of January! It must have been destiny for you to follow me! XO.