Monday, November 15, 2010

The results are in...

Week one has come to a close and the results are in. I am officially down 4.3 pounds. This puts me at about 70 pounds from my goal weight. I think that had I eaten more vegetables and drank less beer I could have had a bigger week, however I will take it. Here is a graph of my progress so far. Not too impressive just yet, but hopefully by Christmas I can be down 15 pounds at least. I will keep my fingers crossed.

In other news, next Wednesday I am going to the OBGYN for the first time in, um, forever. I know, gasp, but between going to the doc for everything else under the sun, I have slacked. After several tongue lashings from those who care about me, and a period that was 11 days overdue, I made an appointment. In addition to getting a pap, I will be treating this as a pre-pregnancy consultation, where inevitably the doc will tell me I am high-risk and MUST lose weight before considering pregnancy. This time I WILL oblige and it use his advice to drive my weight loss. Oh yeah that is the other thing, my new OBGYN is a man, sort of awkward to have him careening that region, but it is what it is.

Cheers to there being less of me next time.

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