Monday, November 29, 2010

I have an enemy...

Anything that has the number 7 is usually a number that I fancy.  I usually think 7 is indicative of good things, that is until it became associated with the 270s.  I have decided I hate the 270s.  Typically I try not to say I hate much of anything, but I literally hate the 270s.  It seems when I get there, I can never get out, or if I go under 270 it is only for a day and then it is right back to it.  Thus the creation of my hatred. 

Needless to say I gained this week.  Granted it was only 1.4 pounds and it was Thanksgiving and all, but a gain is a gain, just like a loss is a loss.  There were several accomplices that attributed to my weight gain, clearly I cannot and will not be held solely responsible.  Exhibit A is red wine, exhibit B the state of Maryland, and exhibit C Arby's.  These three aided and abetted my failure.  Ultimately I can blame only myself and I knew I would gain because of my choices I just couldn't help myself, I felt like a junkie, perhaps if I had little weight loss tokens symbolizing days "on the wagon" I would be more successful.

Nevertheless I am back on the plan today, AGAIN, and this week I am reintroducing working out into my life...just probably not today or tomorrow for that matter, but I am committing to working out three times a week until the new year and then I will probably have to increase it to four...UGH.  I am also trying to eat less carbs and more fruits and vegetables.  This is also a challenge. 
Huffing and Puffing (times three this week).

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