Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Story of Us...Part I

That's him with the blue circle around him.
TEN years ago, sometime in late January, (I have no idea of the exact date, as my future hubs INSISTS that anniversaries are NOT celebrated until you are officially married.  I think he just didn't want to have to remember ANOTHER date.)  My FH and I started dating.  Let's be honest, it was college, so to be fair, it was more like hooking up.  Anyways from past to present, this is our story.
My FH and I both attended Shippensburg University.  However, it wasn't until my junior year that he and I became a we.  He was a football player, (SUPER HOT) and he lived in the same hall as another guy that I was psedo-dating, ok, well hooking up with, geesh I really wasn't a whore, it was college.  Anyways, my FH was friends with some of my friends from high school and actually came to Harrisburg to visit (not me) his freshman year.  I remember seeing him at my high school alma mater's football game.  I never ran into him back in Shippensburg much after this sighting, later finding out that he had a little too much fun his freshman year and had to take a break at home to get himself together (Ha!  Some people just can't handle college life.)
As luck would find it, we were reunited half-way through my junior year.  I lived in a little pink house (It was pale pink and had white trim, and was SUPER adorbs.) on Washington Street with 4 roommates.  Right around finals time and just before winter break one of my roommates received SEVERAL phone calls from some guy (my future hubs) with an ANNOYING southern twang.  I happened to be on the receiving end of ALL OF THEM, and that southern stalker (again my future hubs) was driving me crazy.
The day that my FH and I met was a crap day for me.  I was borrowing my parents car (A white Ford Tempo, that my sisters and I called the Ford tampon.) and I had gotten a flat tire.  I was upstairs whining to my dad on the phone about the flat.  I was wearing a gray sweatskirt (That's not a typo, it was a sweatskirt.  TACKY, I know.), a long-sleeved red t-shirt, and a gray stocking cap.  I came down the stairs and sitting on our couch was a big, broad, guy.  He was wearing swish pants (Ha!  I mean he did play football, so they were his warm-ups???) and a long-sleeved navy blue t-shirt.  He immediately caught my eye, however I went on boo-hooing to my dad.  The FH must have been listening to my convo because when I got off he told me how to check and see if the tire was losing air or if it had a hole.  (It was the soap and water trick.)
My future hubs was GREAT at football, he started every game
For whatever reason, as soon as he left, I told my roommate (one of the four) that he was going to be my future boyfriend.  I think she tried to get info on him and what not, but I began my stalking once I got home for Christmas break.  Now, as I mentioned before, our relationship began nearly a decade ago.  This was pre-facebook and the hottest technology trend was AIM.  Luckily because my FH played football I was able to stalk him via the internet. Where I could find his picture, height, weight, where he went to high school, and other football statistics on the Ship football website.  Due to my limited resources I think I did pretty well finding info (stalking) about him.
Where we began and limited stalking.

The Story of Us...Part Deux

My roommates and I liked to have a good time.  Party girls, yet classy and responsible, usually; never mind that our drink of choice was Natural Light.  Anyways we opted to throw a kegger, of Natural Light of course, and invite our closest friends, (And anyone else who stumbled in.) on that list was my FH.  (He brought a wing-man, Bryan, who he still has a bromance with to this day).  I don't remember how it all started.  I know I drank a little too much because I was nervous, I even remember what I had on, yoke front jeans from the Gap and a pink striped sweater from American Eagle.  (Because my I don't want it to ruin my future political career, yeah right, or embarrass my future children I will abstain from all the details.)
Enter our first official date.  It was Valentine's Day (Cliche' I know.).  Even when I was single Valentine's Day was always, and continues to be one of my favorite holidays.  I love the romance, the glitter, the drama of it all.  However when you are in the beginning stages of a relationship it can be a little awkward.  I remember making my FH heart-shaped sugar cookies, and I had to use the lid of a mini-box of chocolate to cut out the cookies.  I iced them, and sprinkled them with sparkle-ly sugars, they were so cute; and not only did my FH LOVE them, but so did his roommate.  We went on a double date to Lone Star (As in the restaurant chain that USED to allow you to throw your peanut shells on the ground, kind of country joint, perhaps this was foreshadowing.), and started dating officially there after.
It wasn't until 6 months later that my FH finally said, I love you.  I had known it for a LONG time, but there wasn't a chance in hell that I was saying it first.  WAY TOO SCARY.  I was visiting him at his parents house in Virginia (I was still living in Pennsylvania with my parents.) and we were going fishing (Fishing is completely acceptable, just as long as the fish or worms NEVER touch me.).  It was a beautiful day, we were on a boat in the middle of a lake all day, and I thought for sure he would have said I love you then, as it was picturesque.  But in true FH fashion he waited, but only until that evening, and it was perfect.  There were several football games, cookouts, Nickey's outings (The best bar in Shippensburg, where went went at LEAST every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday once we turned 21.), visits to PA, visits to VA, laughter, tears, dates, road trips and on and on and on. 
My FH was my college sweetheart and I was his and I love him more and more each year.
Hugs and Kisses.

The Story of Us...Part III

The Inlet where my FH worked in Va Beach.
After we graduated we moved to Virginia Beach.  I was a waitress at Lonestar (Hence the foreshadowing.) and the future hubs worked on a fishing boat in Rudee Inlet.  It was the most carefree that either of us ever were.  We always had money, we lived among the sand and surf, we financially independent of our parents, and we were playing house.
Alas this could only last a summer, as I went to school for teaching and school started after Labor Day.  I got a job in Richmond teaching first grade.  I was hired August 16th, and we moved there about a week later.  We lived there for five years.  The first year we lived with another couple.  They were busy planning their wedding, which was hard on our relationship because while I was very happy for them, I wanted to be a bride too.  (My FH was indifferent, but I am certain my nagging for the bling, bling was exhausting.)  They got married, bought a house, (I wanted that too, enter anxiety and bitterness.) got a dog, and my FH and I kept on "just" dating.  More and more friends began getting engaged and married and more and more people kept questioning why we weren't.  This caused some strain, but we kept moving forward.  In hindsight, I think it was a true measure of our love for one another because I don't know many women who would have stuck around and waited so long for the ring, and I certainly don't know many men who would put up with a woman CONSTANTLY wanting what was next.
I LOVED Richmond.  The FH was okay with Richmond.  I LOVED my job.  The FH was busy trying to learn the different facets of his current profession.  I knew it was only a matter of time until we moved away from this city I had grown to love and settle down in his hometown so he could start working in the family business.  I was nervous to make the move to a small town, but I knew that we had a bright future ahead of us so away he went.  (Yes, just him.  He moved back first for business reasons in November and I had to finish out my teaching contract.  We saw each other on the weekends and I made the move to join him immediately after summer school left out.)
Our First Home. 
We bought a house, I got a job, he was finally settled in his profession, we got a dog (Our sweet angel Baby Reese.), we fell more in love, I started graduate school, we continued dating, and then June 26, 2010 he asked me to marry him and I can't wait to see what our will be in the next chapter in The Story of Us.
Wedding Bells and Cheers to the future.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why, oh, why I gained weight this week...

A photo montage explanation...
 I sat on the couch from Wednesday until Sunday, moving only to eat, run a few errands, and go to the bathroom. 

 My friend Kitty and I thought were were in college again and consumed as much beer as frat boys do between the two of us.

 To "cure my hangover" we ate at the Olive Garden, I am certain I ate at LEAST two bread sticks.
 Usually I am a HUGE water drinker, consequently my pee is always crystal clear and odorless, during this lack of drinking water time, my pee was lemon yellow and it smelled like pee.
I watched show after show, hour after hour, of anything and everything that television had to offer.  Lots of Lifetime Original Movies and Halmark Channel specials.
We didn't have ONE snow day, but we had TWO snow days, TWO days in a row, which led to a SUPER LONG and LAZY weekend.  And thus the 0.4 pound weight GAIN.
Fat and Lazy, but trying to reform.
P.S. The 270s didn't take me captive, granted I weighed NAKED, but I will not be a prisoner to those bastards again.

Bling, bling, I got the ring: Our proposal story...

The comments under June 26th
My future husband (FH? kept my engagement ring in a shoe in his closet (Duh...of course we have separate closets.) nearly a month and a half before he proposed.  (I know, WTF, I could have NEVER kept a secret that long.)  This was because we had a friend whose 2 week stay turned into a 2 month stay and because My FH waited nearly a decade (FOR REALZ, in January of 2011, it will be TEN YEARS.) to propose he wanted the proposal to be just right, which is how the ring ended up in his (Size 14) shoe (And you know what they say about big feet...HA!).  So we planned a trip to my parent’s house in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania a weekend in mid-June 2010.  The FH's original plan consisted of stopping in Shippensburg, where we both went to college and popping the question in front of the little pink house (It was really little and pink and had white trim and white shutters.) where I lived when we started dating.  However his plans were foiled when I invited my friend, and our houseguest, to travel home with us.  Needless to say it worked out because it gave him the opportunity to officially ask my dad to marry me.  (He didn't catch the memo that this is sort of like engagement code with dad's and daughters.)
Convo. with Mama that am.
Another week or two went by and our friend finally moved out, but this time school was out and my graduate school projects and papers began consuming my daily life.  I was constantly with my friend Kitty (Meow!) doing schoolwork or just hanging out;  my poor FH couldn’t get me by myself.  After several attempts to take me to lunch or take me to dinner (Good restaurants too!), and me ALWAYS bringing along a friend, he gave up and made the choice to propose one Saturday morning (I am NOT a morning person, so this was GREAT planning on his part).  He decided that at that hour of the day there would be no way that anyone else would be around and he was right!
My FH got up early that Saturday morning, around six.  Anyone who knows me knows I can sleep through a hurricane, therefore my slumber was uninterrupted.  However, for some reason that morning I slept lighter than usual.  At 7:03 I heard my FH’s knees cracking as he walked up the stairs and he shut our bedroom door.  I thought it was odd because our room gets SUPER hot (I loathe being hot, absolutely loathe it.) if you shut the door.  Nevertheless I fell back asleep, but not for long.  I re-awoke at 7:08 to banging around in the kitchen.  (I literally thought he was purposely throwing pots and pans to get me out of bed.)  I sent him a text message, as he was downstairs and I didn’t want to scream, to ask what he was doing.  He replied that he was cleaning and letting me sleep in.  (Yeah right, HIDEOUS liar.)  I didn’t buy it; so I texted him again and asked if he was making breakfast.  (Which is something he has done a few times in the past.)  This time I got no response.  So I decided to get up.  Just as I got to the top of the steps my FH came running around the corner and was all flustered.  (At this point, I could barely contain myself, I swear I knew, not sure how, but I swear.)  He instructed that I stay upstairs and "GO BACK TO BED!"  I could barely hide my ear-to-ear grin, but I did what he asked and went back into our room.

I couldn’t decide if I should get up and shave my legs, brush my teeth, wash my face, or put on make-up.  I didn’t want him to think I was on to him so I opted to stay in bed and try to read (Pretend read, I can't even tell you the book that was in my hand.) to no avail.  Nearly an eternity (More like 20 minutes.) passed and I heard his knees (Blew out BOTH knees during football once we started dating...yikes.) cracking as he came up the stairs with our dog (Baby Reese) following closely behind.  At this point I was lying at the foot of the bed, tangled up in the sheets, messy bun of hair (Similar to a Sumo-wrestlers style.) on top of my head, morning breath and all and in walks my FH.  He is carrying a cafeteria style tray (That funky brown color) holding his home-cooked breakfast in bed, complete with a fanned out strawberry garnish.  There were two Gerbera daisies (Which was the first bouquet of flowers he had ever given me.) at the top of the tray and I scoured the plate for the ring and it wasn’t there.  (What was there was about a pound of bacon, LITERALLY a cup of syrup, orange juice, and a stack of pancakes.)  While I was looking for the bling, my FH was getting down on his knee and said, “there is one thing missing from this ,” and he reached in his pocket and pulled out a box.  He handed the box to me and said, “I love you and I am sorry that this probably isn’t the grand proposal you had hoped for, but it was the best I could do, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?”  And I said yes!  (Scratch that, I said "Are you f*cking kidding me?  Are you serious? Omg.")
Bling, bling and my ring, ring.
One of my Gerbera daisies and my bling

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Quotes while baking and listening to Christmas music...

  1. Kitty:  This looks like baby poop.
  2. Me:  It's really thick, google how to thin it out.  Kitty:  Just add butter, it will be fine.
  3. Kitty:  I think it's burning.
  4. Me:  "The song Mommy Kissing Santa Claus... is it about Santa being a home-wrecker or Mommy and Daddy are role-playing?"
  5. Kitty:  Stop calling them Santa hats, they aren't red, they're black and they're called SNOWMAN HATS!
  6. Kitty:  Is this Shirley Temple?  Me:  You are a freak if you know this.  Omg, it is Shirley Temple, did you used to watch Heidi too?
An adventure in pseudo-baking tonight occurred, pretty wild for a Friday night, I know, but in our defense, we have had two snow days in a row and have had about as much wine and/or Bud Light that we could handle; consider it a detox.  For a Christmas party Saturday night, my friend Kitty and I decided to make Snowman Hats, an idea that I saw in a Red Envelope magazine.  Seemed easy enough.  Materials needed:  Oreos (double-stuff of course, and with RED filling), chocolate chips, marshmallows, and crushed up candy canes.  Here is a photograph of Red Envelope's version and then our version.  Not too shabby. 

Chocolate and Candy Canes.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

You have such a pretty face...

yeah, I know, it has been the focal point of my being with every pound I have gained since becoming larger than a size 6, circa 1990.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the compliment, but I needn't any reminders that you weren't referring to my 270 pound stature.  I am also not delusional.  I don't think that I am in the running for the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated.  So a word of advice, the next time you want to compliment a BIG girl, just tell her she's pretty.  And in case you forgot what I looked like, here's a picture of my "pretty face."
Sugar and Spice.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bon voyage b*tches...

I know super unladylike but I loathe the 270s and they are now officially part of my PAST!  269.5...man it sounds good.  But, let's be honest, it is based on a miracle that I actually lost this week considering I binge drank wine, AND champagne, AND beer.  Had way too many carbohydrates, not enough water, and then to remedy my hangover on Sunday I had a double cheeseburger value meal from Wendy's.  All HIDEOUS choices, it's a wonder I didn't gain.   

 I did however go to the gym today.  For the first time in 6 months.  I did 30 minutes on the arc trainer, and burnt 557 calories.  Yeah me!  My plan is to start with 30 minutes of cardio, three times per week, then slowly introduce some arm weight exercises.  We will see though.  Down 14.4 pounds total, 6.6 pounds until I am down 20, woo-hoo!  As far as Weight Watchers goes, I have reached 5% of my first target goal.  They still think I am losing too fast, but I eat everything the program says, I think it is just indicative of how poorly I was eating before. 

Huffing and puffing and losing more pounds.

Numbers, numbers, everywhere...

Naturally I am about as impatient as they come, so instead of waiting patiently for my lab results, I opted for the quicker route of making the phone call to my OBGYN this morning instead.  So there was good news and bad news I suppose.  My A1c was still too high at 6.1.  The doctor said he preferred it being below 6.  Currently I take 1000 mg of Metformin twice daily, which is getting close to the highest dosage possible before I need to resort to daily injections...eek.  The next step might be, and it's certainly what I am hoping that the endocrinologist will advise me on taking 850 mg three times a day.  Now I have an appointment with my endocrinologist December 29, at 4 o'clock, so we will see what will shake down then.

Because I have already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommends patients keep their thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level between 0.3 and 3.0 mIU/L.  My TSH level was 2.820, which is the high-normal range.  Therefore no medication adjustments need to be made there, yeah for passing that test! 

Lastly, the dreaded progesterone test.  The bottom line, I'm OVULATING!  Woo-hoo!  That is a great thing.  However, my progesterone level was 6.7. 
Progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle
Days 1–14: Less than 1 nanogram per milliliter (ng/mL) or 0.5–2.3 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L)
Days 15–28:
2–25 ng/mL or 6.4–79.5 nmol/L
 As you can see, I was at the low end of normal.  Which they said is still indicative of ovulation, but being me I am still skeptical.  For now, I will think positive and keep moving forward.  Nurse K was an absolute gem and I called and called back at least 4 or 5 times and she was so caring.  She recommended setting an appointment for March to see if my cycles become more normal, to see if my A1c gets below 6 and to make sure my TSH stays where it is.  So for now, I must keep moving forward.

This is probably going to be a two post kind of day, considering it is weigh in day.  I already know that I am up, I am just unsure of how much.  I will explain that in a few hours.

Ovulation and Normal Periods.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Details about the BIG day...

This post is going to be entirely wedding related.  Please be sure to checkout the links and photos to get a get the full effect of what is going to go down July 23, 2011.

We will be getting married at my FH's childhood church, Culpeper United Methodist.  It will be a traditional service held at half past four in the afternoon.  Apparently getting married on the upswing of an hour is good luck, or so say the Chinese.  We wanted an evening wedding so that it would be a little less hot, and there wouldn't be a big lag between the wedding and the reception. 

Our reception is going to be at the Daniel Technology Center.  This wasn't our first choice, and it certainly is more of a business center than a reception locality, however due to the size of our guest list we had no other options.  We will make it work, and I have seen photos of other receptions held there, so it will be fine.  http://www.germanna.edu/workforce/dtcvirtualtours.asp  (You can go on a virtual tour.  And remember it is SUPER business-ish, however it is CLEAN, NEW, and most importantly it will accomodate our guest list.)

This isn't our cake, just a pretty one she made.
We are having our cake made by a friend from Richmond.  She is brilliant and her cakes are DIVINE.  My future hubs wanted a cake that not only looked good, but even more importantly, it had to taste good.  So Heather is going to make that happen!

A friend of a friend told us about the photographer we chose.  The FH and I are convinced that she is going to be the next big thing.  She has a great eye, captures traditional moments, candids, and cool artistic shots.  We are so excited to schedule our FREE engagement session to see how they will turn out.  http://rearviewphotos.blogspot.com/

Not my style or colors, but a sample of her work
Our florist is a friend of my Mom's.  She is coming from Pennsylvania and my parents are going to put her up in a hotel.  Her work is amazing.  She told my mom that she already had so many ideas for our wedding and couldn't wait to share them with me.

My dress has been ordered and now we need to focus on bridesmaid dresses and the tuxedos.  I have a vision of what I want the boys to wear and I will see if I can find an image.  Oh and best of all, the two flower girls are going to be wearing custom made tutu's and ballet flats.  How stinking cute!  More tutu pics are along the right side of her blog.  They are adorable.  http://dearlillieblog.blogspot.com/
This but white, with a white flower & black ribbon and pearls

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You've got me feeling emotions...

Yeah so my Pink Pad fertility tracking app tells me I am set to get my period in 6 days, which might explain the near hyperventilation during Glee last night.  Don't get me wrong, I get goosebumps all of the time when I watch Glee (Pathetic and lame, but I do.), however tonight was different.  The future hubs and I were watching and commenting on one of the girl's dancing abilities and I had to stop talking mid-conversation because had I continued, I would have blubbered all over the place and my future hubs would have thought I was mental.  My comment was, "I hope if we have a little girl, she takes dance lessons."  I know, not emotional, at all, not heartfelt, at all, not really even that big of deal, however I think what made it emotional for me was the fact that, that it possibility could be in the making next year at this time.  If I were lucky enough to get pregnant in August, September or October, a little miracle could be in my belly exactly one year from now.  Until then I suppose I will have to be patient and try to get as healthy as possible, which is code for lose some weight chubs.  Ha!

Another reason for my emotions could have been that I knew my doctor appointment to check my progesterone was finally here.  In addition to having my progesterone level checked, the ran lab tests to check my A1c (sugar) level, and my TSH (thyroid) level.  They told me to expect results as early as Friday.  Pretty, pretty please give me the news before the weekend, because my patience is REALLY going to be tested if I have to wait until next week.  I will be in Pennsylvania this weekend for my cousin's bridal shower, I'm playing host so hopefully that will keep my mind busy and free from worrying.

Happy thoughts and normal lab work.

Monday, December 6, 2010

My dog is on a suicide mission...

More on that later.

First let me start by saying I am over the moon about losing 4.6 pounds this week, I am legitimately stoked, but dammit if I still don't weight 270.3 pounds!  WTF!?!  Those 270s are taunting me, saying, "Ha!  We are STILL holding you captive for one more week."  Bastards.  Oh well, I am so proud of myself, and I am definitely on track for my first goal of 15 pounds by Christmas, and my "reach for the stars" goal of 20 pounds by New Year's Day.  Fingers crossed people, fingers crossed, afterall if I meet this 20 pound goal, it will be the lightest I have been in a at least five years, and certainly the lightest I have been for the START of my obligatory New Year's resolution of losing weight.  I will note that Weight Watchers is starting to piss me off,  this little gem to the right is their "words of encouragement" for this week, when am I going to get just a "good job."

For your reading pleasure I am going to share with you a story
about our sweet, "little" angel Reese.  Baby Reese (my 92 pound chocolate lab) ate THREE, THREE bags of CHOCOLATE Christmas candy, thus the suicide mission.  Be advised, the aforementioned chocolate was indeed Hershey's, (Which has been my father's place of employment since I was little.) AND one bag of  chocolate was Reese's peanut cups.  Therefore, she stayed loyal to her name, and my dad's place of employment.  Since ingestion, she has consumed 673 bowls of water, a cup and a half of dog food, and bread soaked in milk (the vet's recommendation).  In the meantime, we need to keep an eye out for red, gold, and green foil in her POOP, as we need to make sure it all passes through!  The picture to the left is the EMPTY candy dish, if you look closely you can see remnants of some of the foil she left behind.  

One last thing, my amazing, handsome, darling, fiance' surprised me with an early Christmas present today.  It is an eyeshadow palette I have been coveting for months...it is the Urban Decay Naked Palette and it is BEAUTIFUL!  My FH is such a good listener and like a dutiful, little sweetheart, he took a portion out of his day to go and make this purchase for me, even having to drive 30 minutes to get it!  Love him!  Oh and the picture doesn't even do the colors justice!  Woo-hoo!

Merry Shitmas and Minus 15.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The truth of the matter is...

I feel like writing, but quite frankly I haven't got much to say.  However, I do have a gripe and a happy finding, so I will start there.  The photo at the left was the pearl of wisdom bestowed upon me by Weight Watchers this week.  Um thanks, I got the memo that I packed on nearly a pound and half the week of Thanksgiving, my theory is it could have been worse.  Granted to only be up 1.4 pounds I had to weigh stark naked and after I had my daily bowel movement, but hey whatever works.  Fully clothed and full of sh*t (literally) my results would have been much worse and the Weight Watchers message to me might have been a lot harsher. 

On a happier note I finally got my pap results back.  Dr. G. told me that I would only be contacted in 7 to 10 business days, and only then if there were irregularities.  Due to my paranoid nature I expected the worst, uterine cancer, random STD (Never mind that I have been in a monogamous relationship for nearly a decade.).  In the meantime my OBGYN office gave me a little slip of paper where it told me how to check the results online!  This floored me, I had the ability to view my results as soon as they were available and within the privacy of my own iphone.  So the good news is that everything came back normal, now to get the labwork done next week to see if the ovaries are ovulating.  I have to be honest, I know that the mind is a powerful thing (at least that is what my mom says) but I don't have a good feeling about this "checking for ovulation situation."  I mean my thyroid doesn't function properly without taking medication, nor do my sugar levels, so what makes me think my ovaries are going to cooperate and actually do their job?!  For now we will have to wait and see.

Hearts and Happy Thoughts.