Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Story of Us...Part III

The Inlet where my FH worked in Va Beach.
After we graduated we moved to Virginia Beach.  I was a waitress at Lonestar (Hence the foreshadowing.) and the future hubs worked on a fishing boat in Rudee Inlet.  It was the most carefree that either of us ever were.  We always had money, we lived among the sand and surf, we financially independent of our parents, and we were playing house.
Alas this could only last a summer, as I went to school for teaching and school started after Labor Day.  I got a job in Richmond teaching first grade.  I was hired August 16th, and we moved there about a week later.  We lived there for five years.  The first year we lived with another couple.  They were busy planning their wedding, which was hard on our relationship because while I was very happy for them, I wanted to be a bride too.  (My FH was indifferent, but I am certain my nagging for the bling, bling was exhausting.)  They got married, bought a house, (I wanted that too, enter anxiety and bitterness.) got a dog, and my FH and I kept on "just" dating.  More and more friends began getting engaged and married and more and more people kept questioning why we weren't.  This caused some strain, but we kept moving forward.  In hindsight, I think it was a true measure of our love for one another because I don't know many women who would have stuck around and waited so long for the ring, and I certainly don't know many men who would put up with a woman CONSTANTLY wanting what was next.
I LOVED Richmond.  The FH was okay with Richmond.  I LOVED my job.  The FH was busy trying to learn the different facets of his current profession.  I knew it was only a matter of time until we moved away from this city I had grown to love and settle down in his hometown so he could start working in the family business.  I was nervous to make the move to a small town, but I knew that we had a bright future ahead of us so away he went.  (Yes, just him.  He moved back first for business reasons in November and I had to finish out my teaching contract.  We saw each other on the weekends and I made the move to join him immediately after summer school left out.)
Our First Home. 
We bought a house, I got a job, he was finally settled in his profession, we got a dog (Our sweet angel Baby Reese.), we fell more in love, I started graduate school, we continued dating, and then June 26, 2010 he asked me to marry him and I can't wait to see what our will be in the next chapter in The Story of Us.
Wedding Bells and Cheers to the future.