Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You've got me feeling emotions...

Yeah so my Pink Pad fertility tracking app tells me I am set to get my period in 6 days, which might explain the near hyperventilation during Glee last night.  Don't get me wrong, I get goosebumps all of the time when I watch Glee (Pathetic and lame, but I do.), however tonight was different.  The future hubs and I were watching and commenting on one of the girl's dancing abilities and I had to stop talking mid-conversation because had I continued, I would have blubbered all over the place and my future hubs would have thought I was mental.  My comment was, "I hope if we have a little girl, she takes dance lessons."  I know, not emotional, at all, not heartfelt, at all, not really even that big of deal, however I think what made it emotional for me was the fact that, that it possibility could be in the making next year at this time.  If I were lucky enough to get pregnant in August, September or October, a little miracle could be in my belly exactly one year from now.  Until then I suppose I will have to be patient and try to get as healthy as possible, which is code for lose some weight chubs.  Ha!

Another reason for my emotions could have been that I knew my doctor appointment to check my progesterone was finally here.  In addition to having my progesterone level checked, the ran lab tests to check my A1c (sugar) level, and my TSH (thyroid) level.  They told me to expect results as early as Friday.  Pretty, pretty please give me the news before the weekend, because my patience is REALLY going to be tested if I have to wait until next week.  I will be in Pennsylvania this weekend for my cousin's bridal shower, I'm playing host so hopefully that will keep my mind busy and free from worrying.

Happy thoughts and normal lab work.


  1. I love keeping up with you on the blog! YAY! I check it often, and love your updates- congrats on the weight loss!!! You've got this... I'm SOOOOOO Happy for you!!

  2. Thanks Ash! Same to you! It reminds me of old times and swapping stories at lunch! Xo.
