Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Story of Us...Part I

That's him with the blue circle around him.
TEN years ago, sometime in late January, (I have no idea of the exact date, as my future hubs INSISTS that anniversaries are NOT celebrated until you are officially married.  I think he just didn't want to have to remember ANOTHER date.)  My FH and I started dating.  Let's be honest, it was college, so to be fair, it was more like hooking up.  Anyways from past to present, this is our story.
My FH and I both attended Shippensburg University.  However, it wasn't until my junior year that he and I became a we.  He was a football player, (SUPER HOT) and he lived in the same hall as another guy that I was psedo-dating, ok, well hooking up with, geesh I really wasn't a whore, it was college.  Anyways, my FH was friends with some of my friends from high school and actually came to Harrisburg to visit (not me) his freshman year.  I remember seeing him at my high school alma mater's football game.  I never ran into him back in Shippensburg much after this sighting, later finding out that he had a little too much fun his freshman year and had to take a break at home to get himself together (Ha!  Some people just can't handle college life.)
As luck would find it, we were reunited half-way through my junior year.  I lived in a little pink house (It was pale pink and had white trim, and was SUPER adorbs.) on Washington Street with 4 roommates.  Right around finals time and just before winter break one of my roommates received SEVERAL phone calls from some guy (my future hubs) with an ANNOYING southern twang.  I happened to be on the receiving end of ALL OF THEM, and that southern stalker (again my future hubs) was driving me crazy.
The day that my FH and I met was a crap day for me.  I was borrowing my parents car (A white Ford Tempo, that my sisters and I called the Ford tampon.) and I had gotten a flat tire.  I was upstairs whining to my dad on the phone about the flat.  I was wearing a gray sweatskirt (That's not a typo, it was a sweatskirt.  TACKY, I know.), a long-sleeved red t-shirt, and a gray stocking cap.  I came down the stairs and sitting on our couch was a big, broad, guy.  He was wearing swish pants (Ha!  I mean he did play football, so they were his warm-ups???) and a long-sleeved navy blue t-shirt.  He immediately caught my eye, however I went on boo-hooing to my dad.  The FH must have been listening to my convo because when I got off he told me how to check and see if the tire was losing air or if it had a hole.  (It was the soap and water trick.)
My future hubs was GREAT at football, he started every game
For whatever reason, as soon as he left, I told my roommate (one of the four) that he was going to be my future boyfriend.  I think she tried to get info on him and what not, but I began my stalking once I got home for Christmas break.  Now, as I mentioned before, our relationship began nearly a decade ago.  This was pre-facebook and the hottest technology trend was AIM.  Luckily because my FH played football I was able to stalk him via the internet. Where I could find his picture, height, weight, where he went to high school, and other football statistics on the Ship football website.  Due to my limited resources I think I did pretty well finding info (stalking) about him.
Where we began and limited stalking.


  1. Ford tampon! hahaha I love that and this is a good story...i cant wait to read the rest!

  2. Thanks Tina! Blogging is so much fun. And i love reading your vlogs. Xo.
