Monday, December 13, 2010

Bon voyage b*tches...

I know super unladylike but I loathe the 270s and they are now officially part of my PAST! it sounds good.  But, let's be honest, it is based on a miracle that I actually lost this week considering I binge drank wine, AND champagne, AND beer.  Had way too many carbohydrates, not enough water, and then to remedy my hangover on Sunday I had a double cheeseburger value meal from Wendy's.  All HIDEOUS choices, it's a wonder I didn't gain.   

 I did however go to the gym today.  For the first time in 6 months.  I did 30 minutes on the arc trainer, and burnt 557 calories.  Yeah me!  My plan is to start with 30 minutes of cardio, three times per week, then slowly introduce some arm weight exercises.  We will see though.  Down 14.4 pounds total, 6.6 pounds until I am down 20, woo-hoo!  As far as Weight Watchers goes, I have reached 5% of my first target goal.  They still think I am losing too fast, but I eat everything the program says, I think it is just indicative of how poorly I was eating before. 

Huffing and puffing and losing more pounds.


  1. Congratulations Terra!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

  2. Loooooooved this post and the one below. Congrats on ovulating... well done ovaries . Awesome job being under 270. B-A-D girl eating what you did from Wendy's but a damn good choice... yummy! Love you bunches bridalmama. xoxo

  3. Thanks! Let's hope I stay below 270 FOREVER! Xo.
