Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why, oh, why I gained weight this week...

A photo montage explanation...
 I sat on the couch from Wednesday until Sunday, moving only to eat, run a few errands, and go to the bathroom. 

 My friend Kitty and I thought were were in college again and consumed as much beer as frat boys do between the two of us.

 To "cure my hangover" we ate at the Olive Garden, I am certain I ate at LEAST two bread sticks.
 Usually I am a HUGE water drinker, consequently my pee is always crystal clear and odorless, during this lack of drinking water time, my pee was lemon yellow and it smelled like pee.
I watched show after show, hour after hour, of anything and everything that television had to offer.  Lots of Lifetime Original Movies and Halmark Channel specials.
We didn't have ONE snow day, but we had TWO snow days, TWO days in a row, which led to a SUPER LONG and LAZY weekend.  And thus the 0.4 pound weight GAIN.
Fat and Lazy, but trying to reform.
P.S. The 270s didn't take me captive, granted I weighed NAKED, but I will not be a prisoner to those bastards again.

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